Psychosocial counselling and treatment adherence support for people affected by tuberculosis
This pioneering new psychosocial support guide addresses critical gaps in TB care and control by focusing on overcoming the psychological, social and economic factors that prevent people from accessing diagnosis, adhering to care plans and successfully completing treatment.
The guide was developed by TB Alert with support from an international reference group comprising TB survivors, members of multilateral organisations, TB activists, academia, researchers and representatives of civil society organizations working with various TB key populations.
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Toolkit for running a Latent TB Champions programme
The Latent TB Champions Toolkit is designed for public health teams and programme managers implementing NHSE guidelines for the testing and treatment of latent TB among new entrants. The toolkit provides guidance on developing a TB Champions programme, comprehensive training materials and a range of practical tools to deliver and evaluate community outreach work.
The toolkit can be used alongside TB Alert’s range of latent TB awareness resources, including the Latent TB Champions Flipbook. The flipbook is a portable, freestanding printed presentation with speakers notes that Champions can use to support their community outreach work.
View Latent TB Champions Flipbook
Writing to improve uptake of latent TB testing and treatment: a guide for CCGs
Guidance on writing about latent TB for CCG communications teams and other communicators working on latent TB testing and treatment.
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Tuberculosis – Information for discipline and wing staff (PHE, HMPS, NHS)
Information for about TB and its management within the justice system.
Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – A5 referral-prompt
This single-sided A5 flyer is designed to help client-facing professionals identify and give brief advice to people who may be at risk from TB or may benefit from latent TB testing. The flyer explains the differences between active and latent TB, who is eligible for latent TB testing, and provides space to add contact details for local latent TB testing and treatment programmes. The flyer is available as artwork for local customisation.
TB in General Practice: online training
This online course for primary care clinicians features two, 30-minute modules to help you identify signs and symptoms of all forms of TB including latent infection refer patients to specialist services and provide appropriate case management to patients diagnosed with TB. Training can be completed through the RCGP Online Learning Environment, which is open to everyone.
TB Specialist Nurse resource pack
The TB Specialist Nurse (TBSN) Resource Pack has been developed to support TBSNs who train primary care staff in GP practice meetings and lunch time talks. The pack includes a comprehensive presentation on TB and detailed speaker’s notes which are available to download together as a zip file.
Think:Suspect:Refer desk side card
A5 symptoms and referral aid for GP surgeries. With space for local service contact details and information about primary care TB training resources.