TB: your questions answered
Answers to common questions about TB for patients as they go through diagnosis and start on treatment.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

TB and its diagnosis
An overview of TB and common TB tests for patients about to be tested for TB.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.
TB treatment
An overview of TB and standard TB treatment for newly diagnosed patients. Contains information and advice about side effects, treatment completion, DOT and others sources of support.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.
Latent TB treatment
Information about latent TB, latent TB treatment and its possible side effects, and a treatment diary for patients.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download as a print friendly version in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Dari, English, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil and Urdu. You can download all languages together in this zip file.
About your TB drugs
Comprehensive information about standard treatment for TB, including how to take medication and about side effects.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.
Multi-drug resistant TB
An overview of MDR-TB and comprehensive information about MDR-TB medications.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.
Contact tracing and screening
Information for people invited for TB testing through the contact tracing process.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.
An important test (TB-HIV)
Information about TB-HIV and HIV testing for eligible TB patients.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.
TB and the BCG
Information for patients about BCG eligibility, the vaccination process and how it relates to TB.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.
TB: The Real Story DVD
This is the story of five people’s journeys through TB, from their experiences of the early symptoms to the diagnosis and treatment that put them on the road to recovery. The film can be streamed or shared from YouTube or ordered on DVD.
Translated versions
The film plays in English, and Arabic, Bengali, French, Gujarati, Polish, Portuguese, Somali, Swahili, Tamil, Tigrinya and Urdu translations are all available on the same DVD or as separate YouTube videos.
World TB Day 2023 social media toolkit
This social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of TB in their community. This is more important than ever, with TB rates rising once again both in the UK and internationally due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic.
Latent TB testing and treatment template letters
Template letters for latent TB testing and treatment programmes. Includes an invitation letter and letters for positive and negative test results, with translated summaries of each letter available to print as the second page. The letters and translated text are available to download together as a zip file.