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World TB Day 2025 – social media toolkit

The 2025 social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of TB in their community. This is more important than ever, with TB rates rising once again both in the UK and internationally and an increasingly uncertain funding environment for TB control.

There are additional useful resources for awareness raising that are applicable today in our past WTBD toolkits: 2024 | 2023 | 2021

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World TB Day 2024 Social Media Toolkit

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World TB Day 2023 social media toolkit

This social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of TB in their community. This is more important than ever, with TB rates rising once again both in the UK and internationally due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

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Tuberculosis: information for prison and immigration removal centre staff

Gudiance from Public Health England providing advice for non-healthcare staff who work in UK prisons and immigration removal centres on identifying and handling TB cases.

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Not every cough is covid – think TB! Social media toolkit.

This social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of TB in their community. This is more important than ever, with the world’s attention turned towards the coronavirus pandemic.  

Unfortunately, because the symptoms of TB, covid-19 and long-covid are often similar it is possible for TB to be overlooked. This toolkit helps differentiate the symptoms of these conditions and asks people to Think TB!

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Psychosocial counselling and treatment adherence support for people affected by tuberculosis

This pioneering new psychosocial support guide addresses critical gaps in TB care and control by focusing on overcoming the psychological, social and economic factors that prevent people from accessing diagnosis, adhering to care plans and successfully completing treatment.

The guide was developed by TB Alert with support from an international reference group comprising TB survivors, members of multilateral organisations, TB activists, academia, researchers and representatives of civil society organizations working with various TB key populations.

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Toolkit for running a Latent TB Champions programme

The Latent TB Champions Toolkit is designed for public health teams and programme managers implementing NHSE guidelines for the testing and treatment of latent TB among new entrants. The toolkit provides guidance on developing a TB Champions programme, comprehensive training materials and a range of practical tools to deliver and evaluate community outreach work.

The toolkit can be used alongside TB Alert’s range of latent TB awareness resources, including the Latent TB Champions Flipbook. The flipbook is a portable, freestanding printed presentation with speakers notes that Champions can use to support their community outreach work.

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Writing to improve uptake of latent TB testing and treatment: a guide for CCGs

Guidance on writing about latent TB for CCG communications teams and other communicators working on latent TB testing and treatment.

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Tuberculosis – Information for discipline and wing staff (PHE, HMPS, NHS)

Information for about TB and its management within the justice system.

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Information about TB for people in prisons (PHE, HMPS, NHS)

A comic strip style resource to raise awareness of TB among prison inmates.

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Got TB – TB in prisons (PHE, HMPS, NHS)

A comic strip to raise awareness of TB among prison inmates with details for contacting the prison health team.

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Latent TB social media toolkit

This social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of latent TB this World TB Day and beyond.

The toolkit comes with a range of infographics that contain key messages about latent TB, with information on how to use them.

The toolkit also provides guidance for promoting the Latent TB: animated into action film, which launched on World TB day 2018. This includes an off the shelf series of social media posts and contact details for organisations interested in launching their own paid advertising who could benefit from using and adapting existing campaign resources.

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Latent TB testing – email footer

This graphic provides a brief overview of latent TB and who may benefit from testing and treatment. It can be used in a variety of settings, including as a vector image for design, though it is designed particularly to be used as a footer in e-signatures.

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What should I know about latent TB? (A5 leaflet)

This four-page, A5 leaflet is designed to raise awareness about latent and active TB, and the benefits of latent TB testing and treatment. It should be used to support uptake of latent TB testing and treatment among newly settled individuals from high TB incidence countries.

The leaflet is available as artwork for local customisation.

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Translated versions

This leaflet is available in Arabic, Bengali, Dari, Gujarati, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.

Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – pocket card

This wallet-sized card explains who is at risk from TB, how active and latent TB work, and what action to take for anyone who is concerned about the illness.

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Translated versions

This leaflet is available in ArabicBengaliGujarati, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.

Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – A5 referral-prompt

This single-sided A5 flyer is designed to help client-facing professionals identify and give brief advice to people who may be at risk from TB or may benefit from latent TB testing. The flyer explains the differences between active and latent TB, who is eligible for latent TB testing, and provides space to add contact details for local latent TB testing and treatment programmes. The flyer is available as artwork for local customisation.

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Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – exhibition banner

This exhibition banner illustrates how people may have latent TB without knowing and advises what action to take. The design uses characters and illustrations from the Latent TB: animated into action film and also includes a QR code to view the film from a mobile device.

The banner is available as artwork for local customisation and production and can be viewed as a PDF here.

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Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – posters

These A3 and A4 posters illustrate how people may have latent TB without knowing and advises what action to take. The design uses characters and illustrations from the Latent TB: animated into action film and also includes a QR code to view the film from a mobile device.


Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – postcard

This postcard illustrates how people may have latent TB without knowing and advises what action to take. The design uses characters and illustrations from the Latent TB: animated into action film and also includes a QR code to view the film from a mobile device.

The postcard is available as artwork for local customisation.

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Image from latent TB animation

Latent TB: animated into action

Latent tuberculosis (TB): animated into action is a new health promotion tool that informs people about latent TB. A short animated film, its goal is to engage new migrants from countries with high rates of TB with local NHS testing and treatment programmes.

The project was funded by NHS England and developed by Public Health England, Queen Mary University of London, In Tune For Life and TB Alert. It launched on World TB Day in 2018.

This animation is available with subtitles or without subtitles.

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Translated versions

The animation is available dubbed into six languages: Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.

Tackling TB: Local Government’s Public Health Role

Local government leadership to champion TB is crucial to achieve better TB control. This document is aimed at Councillors and officers in local government to help them meet local government responsibilities to ensure that the wider social determinants of TB are addressed and that people are supported to be diagnosed early and complete their treatment. Many of the actions needed to eliminate TB require strengthened and integrated local services as TB does not exist in isolation from other health and social concerns.

The document includes sections on:

  • what is TB, TB in England and globally
  • TB diagnosis, treatment and drug resistance
  • social risk factors for TB
  • TB prevention, pre-entry screening and LTBI testing and treatment of new entrants
  • what can local authorities do to tackle TB?
  • data on the burden of TB by upper tier local authority

Actions local government can take to control TB are outlined below:

  • ensure a joined-up, multi-agency approach to TB patient care and support
  • encourage local health and social service commissioners to prioritise the delivery of appropriate clinical and public health services for TB
  • promote local leadership of TB at all levels
  • encourage NHS commissioners, local authorities, housing departments and hostel accommodation providers to agree a process for housing homeless TB patients
  • support where possible an individual’s social needs
  • invite a local TB nurse to raise awareness of TB among local authority staff
  • ensure information about TB is cascaded into key local authority teams
  • facilitate appropriate access to information and advice on TB
  • promote registration with GPs for new migrants, vulnerable or marginalised people
  • work, via the DPH, with CCGs and NHS England to ensure that screening, immunisation and treatment services reach out to diverse populations
  • consider how third sector organisations can help improve access to TB services and patient support
  • include TB in the local authority’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
  • encourage multi-agency working on TB via the health and wellbeing board (HWB) and health protection board
  • consider undertaking a scrutiny committee review of TB

The document has a number of key messages around local authority involvement in the TB agenda. These include local leadership, access to advice and information on TB for local government staff and that local councillors and officers understand TB and support the actions outlined in this document.

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TB stigma social media tiles and banners

A range of colourful social media banners and tiles that use people’s real-life testimony to help address TB stigma.

The banners can be used as your profile header images on Facebook and Twitter, whilst the tiles can be incorporated into posts featuring your own messages.

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TB symptoms and early diagnosis social media tiles and banners

A range of colourful social media banners and tiles that use people’s real-life testimony raise awareness of TB symptoms and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

The banners can be used as your profile header images on Facebook and Twitter, whilst the tiles can be incorporated into posts featuring your own messages.

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Latent TB social media tiles and banners

A range of colourful social media banners and tiles that use people’s real-life testimony to encourage eligible communities to take up latent TB testing and treatment.

The banners can be used as your profile header images on Facebook and Twitter, whilst the tiles can be incorporated into posts featuring your own messages.

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Overview of available TB resources

TB Alert is continuing to expand its range of awareness, education, patient support and advisory resources which are summarised on this flyer.

This summary can be printed or used electronically to take advantage of the embedded hyperlinks. We plan to update it a couple of times a year.


Latent TB toolkit

Access, testing and treatment: A toolkit for new entrant latent tuberculosis programmes by Public Health England, NHS England and TB Alert. The toolkit provides guidance for planners and providers on how to maximise the uptake of latent TB testing and treatment and make programmes patient-focused to ensure maximum retention of patients along the pathway. For each of the three stages of Access, Testing and Treatment, it identifies issues and challenges which need to be considered, strategies for addressing them, and resources to support the process. It also provides guidance on using social marketing and behaviour change theory to understand and more effectively reach people within eligible communities.

The toolkit includes a PDF of the 56 page toolkit and introductory PowerPoint presentation which are available for download together as a zip file.

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Tackling TB in Under-Served Populations

A resource for TB Control Boards and their partners, published by PHE in partnership with TB Alert and NHS England. The resource provides a framework and practical examples to help build collaborative TB services to work with traditionally under-served groups: homeless people; people who misuse drugs and/or alcohol; people in contact with the criminal justice system; migrants from high-incidence countries – particularly refugees, asylum seekers and those in immigration detention – and some people living with mental health problems.

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What should I know about TB?

New for 2016: This A5 leaflet provides a general overview of TB, including symptoms, transmission and risk factors.

This leaflet is available to CCGs and TB Control Boards for free through Prolog, by calling 0300 123 1002 or online at:

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Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download as a print friendly version in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, English, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil and Urdu. You can also download all languages together in this zip file.

TB symptoms card

This wallet sized card details the main symptoms of TB and where to get help.

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NICE Quality Standard QS141 Tuberculosis

This quality standard covers preventing, identifying and managing latent and active tuberculosis (TB) in children, young people and adults. It describes high-quality care in six priority areas for improvement:

  • Statement 1: People aged 16 to 35 years who have arrived in the country within the past 5 years, from countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), are tested for latent TB infection when they register with a GP.
  • Statement 2: Adults aged under 65 years who are diagnosed with HIV, are tested for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection.
  • Statement 3: People who are referred to a tuberculosis (TB) service, who meet specific criteria, have rapid diagnostic nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs).
  • Statement 4: People who have imaging features suggestive of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) are assessed by the next working day.
  • Statement 5: People with active tuberculosis (TB) from under-served groups are offered directly observed therapy.
  • Statement 6: People with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) who are homeless are offered accommodation for the duration of their treatment.

The standard does not cover areas of national policy, such as the UK Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunisation programme.

More information about the NICE Quality Standards

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Latent TB testing and treatment template letters

Template letters for latent TB testing and treatment programmes. Includes an invitation letter and letters for positive and negative test results, with translated summaries of each letter available to print as the second page. The letters and translated text are available to download together as a zip file.

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TB in General Practice: online training

This online course for primary care clinicians features two, 30-minute modules to help you identify signs and symptoms of all forms of TB – including latent infection – refer patients to specialist services and provide appropriate case management to patients diagnosed with TB. Training can be completed through the RCGP Online Learning Environment, which is open to everyone.

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Latent TB awareness leaflet

This DL sized leaflet provides a brief overview of latent TB and who may benefit from testing and treatment. It is suitable for awareness raising around local testing and treatment programmes, including for use alongside ‘invitation to test’ letters. The zip file contains print and electronic versions and artwork for localities that wish to insert their own logos.

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Latent TB testing and treatment poster

This A3 multi-lingual poster can be used in GP surgeries and other settings to raise awareness about local latent TB testing and treatment programmes. The poster is available to download containing English, Bengali, Pashto, Punjabi and Urdu text.

Artwork and translated text is also included in this zip file, so that localities can create their own versions according to local needs. The following translated text is available: Arabic, Bengali, Farsi (Persian), Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil and Urdu.

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Public awareness and health promotion

TB Specialist Nurse resource pack

The TB Specialist Nurse (TBSN) Resource Pack has been developed to support TBSNs who train primary care staff in GP practice meetings and lunch time talks. The pack includes a comprehensive presentation on TB and detailed speaker’s notes which are available to download together as a zip file.

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The Truth About TB: Drugs and alcohol

An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB – tailored to the needs of people who misuse drugs or alcohol – including how TB is transmitted, risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.

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The Truth About TB in the South Asian Community

An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB – tailored to the needs of the South Asian Community – including how TB is transmitted, risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.

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Translated versions

Gujarati | Tamil | Urdu

The Truth About TB in the African Community

An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB and its relationship with HIV. Including risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.

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The Truth About TB in the Somali Community

An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB – tailored to the needs of the Somali Community – including how TB is transmitted, risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.

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Translated versions


TB: your questions answered

Answers to common questions about TB for patients as they go through diagnosis and start on treatment.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

TB and its diagnosis

An overview of TB and common TB tests for patients about to be tested for TB.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and  Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

TB treatment

An overview of TB and standard TB treatment for newly diagnosed patients. Contains information and advice about side effects, treatment completion, DOT and others sources of support.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and  Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

TB symptoms animation

This lighthearted animation depicts the most common symptoms of TB. To save, right click on video and select ‘save as’.

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The sooner the better poster

This poster describes the most common symptoms of TB and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

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TB symptoms screensaver

This light hearted cartoon screensaver depicts the most common symptoms of TB.

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Latent TB treatment

Information about latent TB, latent TB treatment and its possible side effects, and a treatment diary for patients.

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Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download as a print friendly version in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Dari, English, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil and Urdu. You can download all languages together in this zip file.

About your TB drugs

Comprehensive information about standard treatment for TB, including how to take medication and about side effects.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and  Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

Support of vulnerable patients throughout TB treatment

A paper on the needs of vulnerable patients during their TB treatment, highlighting the importance of social support to ensure that TB treatment for vulnerable patients is sustained and effective. The paper includes an overview of current guidance and legislation, case studies and examples of existing models of community support; and recommendations for ensuring a coordinated, whole system approach to successful TB treatment.

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Think:Suspect:Refer desk side card

A5 symptoms and referral aid for GP surgeries. With space for local service contact details and information about primary care TB training resources.

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Multi-drug resistant TB

An overview of MDR-TB and comprehensive information about MDR-TB medications.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and  Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

Multilingual TB symptoms poster

This poster describes the symptoms of TB in English, Tamil, Somali, Gujarati and Urdu.

Translated versions

Gujarati, Somali, Swahili, Urdu (A3)

Gujarati, Somali, Tamil, Urdu (A2)


Contact tracing and screening

Information for people invited for TB testing through the contact tracing process.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and  Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

TB curriculum for Key Stage 3

This Key Stage 3 curriculum supports teaching about TB.

The resource pack includes:

  • assembly ideas
  • lesson plans covering TB for every subject in the current school curriculum
  • TB fact sheets for teachers and students.

The pack will help students gain an understanding of the social, medical and historical role of TB, as part of their Key Stage 3 study.

It will also help raise awareness of TB, and help students and teachers learn to recognise the symptoms of TB and what action to take if they believe they or someone they know may have TB.

The resource pack was developed by TB Alert in conjunction with Brent Council.

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Don’t pass it on poster

This poster describes the most common symptoms of TB and how TB is transmitted.

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An important test (TB-HIV)

Information about TB-HIV and HIV testing for eligible TB patients.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and  Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

TB and the BCG

Information for patients about BCG eligibility, the vaccination process and how it relates to TB.

Translated versions

This leaflet is available to download in English and  Albanian, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Italian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

TB: The Real Story DVD

This is the story of five people’’s journeys through TB, from their experiences of the early symptoms to the diagnosis and treatment that put them on the road to recovery. The film can be streamed or shared from YouTube or ordered on DVD.


Translated versions

The film plays in English, and Arabic, Bengali, French, Gujarati, Polish, Portuguese, Somali, Swahili, Tamil, Tigrinya and Urdu translations are all available on the same DVD or as separate YouTube videos.

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